Friday, 9 March 2012



                                                                                                                            - Laldanmawia


In the Bible, we have two books of Peter, one of the disciples of Jesus Christ. The books were written in the form of letter in beginning but later on were selected as one of the books of the Bible. The first letter, called 1 Peter was addressed to Christians, who were scattered throughout the northern part of Asia Minor. In this paper, the following points like occasion and purpose, date of writing and some of its major themes are to be discussed:-


The tone of 1Peter is a warm pastoral one, full of encouragement. The exhortations are addressed to Christians who are scattered over a wide area. They shared a common faith with Christians every where and shared a common problems. Their basic problem is to live for God in the midst of a society ignorant of the true God. Because they are Christian, they are misunderstood and subjected to cruel treatment. Christians were longing for the second coming of Jesus Christ. For those believers, this letter was written. Moreover the letter did not address individual or one particular community but rather to Christian groups probably farmers or shepherds who live particularly in rural areas.

The purpose of the Letter is to encourage the readers who were facing persecution and suffering for their faith. The theme of suffering is the most frequent in the letter with regard to the Passion of the Christ. Peter sees Christians in danger of persecution (1: 6) and not prepared for it (4:12). In the light of this, he aims to do two things: to encourage and testify to the true grace of God (5:12) in which he urged his reader to stand. The two purposes are intertwined as Peter gives encouragement by declaring God’s gracious acts in Christ, made known and mediated by his Spirit.


The date of writing of the Book is not clear as well as the writer. There are some arguments on the date whether it was written in Peter’s lifetime or after his death by other. It was said that Simon Peter was died at Emperor Nero’s persecution period in around 64 CE. Some scholars accepted that 1 Peter was written when Peter himself was alive. The letter was named after his name, Peter. If it was written after his death, it would not be save for the writer giving the book name after the death person, Peter’s name, because the death of Peter would known by all believers. Therefore they believed that the Letter was probably written in around 64 CE.

On the other side, other scholars have opinion that the letter contains inspirations words for Christians who suffered persecution under Rome ruler. These persecution period was prevalent after his death, like under Emperor Domitian (95 CE), Emperor Trajan (98-117 CE), etc. If it was not written by Peter, the letter might be written in 90 – 95 CE.

MAJOR THEMES: Some of Major themes we find in 1Peter are:-


Early Christians were living under the hostile environment. The state was governed by Roman Emperor who mistreated and ridiculed the new believers. Since the term ‘persecution’ does not appear anywhere but we can speak of the suffering that came from the political authority. We see many verses that were written for comforting and advising for their sufferings like 1Peter 2: 18 – 23, 3: 8 – 22, 4: 12- 19, 5: 8- 9, etc. Christians had undergone insultations, calumnies and standers.


The main theme of the letter is ‘suffering’. The author refers Jesus Christ as suffering Christ (1Peter 2: 22-25). He was not only died, but also suffered a lot. The Passion of the Christ is the essential aspect of the example of Christians suffering. He suffered (2:21) without having committed any sin (2:22), without returning evil for evil (2:23), and bearing us from sin to righteousness (2:24) because he is the (good) shepherd (2:25). The example of Christ suffering is the foundation of the new identity of Christians who, following the example of the Lord, are called to endure unjust suffering by doing good works and returning good for evil and thus fulfilling the will of Christ.

The letter also advices people to suffer, so that they will have joy by faith. In the midst of all their discouragement, God will keep them and enable them to have a living hope. Jesus Christ by his patient suffering and mistreating, pave the way for Christians, i.e. the Cross. Christian way is cross way. They may suffer from the political authority, but they should response their suffering as Jesus did.


Christian lifestyle is to be a holy life. The letter talk about to prepare minds for action, to discipline self and to set all hope on the grace that Jesus Christ would bring when he is revealed. (1:13) God is described as Holy. Holiness embraced purity and moral integrity. Those called to be his children are to be like him. The basic idea of holiness is that to be holy, for God is holy (1:16).

The simplest understanding of holiness is that of loving conformity to God’s commands and to his son. To have a holy living, purifying souls by obedience to the truth is very important(1:22), so that one will have genuine mutual love, love one a another deeply from the heart

Other messages like – have unity of spirit, sympathy. Love for one another, a tender heart and a humble mind (3:8), discipline yourself for the sake of your prayers (4:7), be hospitable to one another without complaining (4:9),etc. are the teachings for which we would have holy living.


Following Christ is one of its major themes. It is not an easy way. Jesus Christ suffered and died on the Cross. He paved the way for Christian that we have to follow and we should follow in his step (2:21). He committed no sin, even no deceit was found in his mouth (2:22), but he had still received those insult and suffered and died at last at Cross.

Christians are called to suffer under harsh masters. We may have beaten unjustly for doing wrong, also when doing well. But all these will let to be constant in following Christ.


Whether 1Peter is written by himself or not, in his lifetime or after his death, the messages that we have found is still the same. We are taught to follow Jesus Christ whether the way is easy or not and to be faithful when facing sufferings, harassments, problems and hardships. One of its important themes is love. To love one another as we love ourselves, to have holy living, to suffer for Christ as a Christian and to greet one another with a kiss of love are the things what Christian are suppose to do for following Jesus Christ and to have a meaningful Christian life.


Gaebelein, Frank E, ed. The Expositor’s Bible Commentary. Michigan: Zondervan
Publishing House, 1981.

Carson, DA, et al., New Bible Commentary. Leicester: Inter-Varsity Press, 1994.

Farmer, William, R, ed. The International Bible Commentary. Minnesota:
The Liturgical Press, 1998.

Zaihmingthanga, Rev. Dr. Lehkhathawn Pasarih. Aizawl: Synod Publication Board,

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