- Laldanmawia
Christian Ministry is to be diversified for responding the struggle of life. As the World is under the crisis of Globalization, we all the people of different countries may have similar context of life to struggle. The Depression of Economics that occurred in the 1930’s in Western Countries affected all the Eastern countries of the World as well as under-develop countries in Africa. In Mizoram state also, we face many problem as like as other countries’ have. Christians could not be in a position to abandon the worldly things, because they are still living in the World. Whether a man is Christian or not, black or white, rich or poor, or any religion, any person, any tribe, any country, and all kinds of human beings have been underwent the difficulties in these livelihoods. Indeed, a Christian has a specific task to response or to service for the betterment of our fellows. So, we are assigned to do something where the world is facing problems and hardships.
We have the matters like Economic Disparity, Corruption, Alcoholism, Information technology etc. at these recent times. The Phenomena have been also affecting the social life of Mizoram. So the followings are discussing and describing the context of the struggle of life for Christian Ministry with reference to Mizoram state:-
In today’s World, it is said that countries of Northern Hemisphere of the Globe are rich, while Southern Hemisphere countries are poor, except Australia. They are under-develop and some are in the situation of developing countries. Rich or developed countries dominate the poor ones economically and politically. They become richer and richer. Meanwhile poor people faced many drawbacks of Westernization.[1] Richest person like Carlo Slim, Warren Buffet, Bill gates, Laksmi Mittal etc. have their own richness more than some poor countries’ mine! What one marvelous thing is that how can people, descendant of Adam be disparity from each other!!
Likewise in Mizoram state, we come across the context of economic disparity. It cannot be compares with those people who are rich in the world, but rich people in Mizoram have adequate money and properties to live luxury life. They concentrated mostly in the cities. All villagers are generally poorer. People are economically diversified by the development going on in the land. Rich people always dominated the society as well as the churches where they belong. The willingness of the improvement makes the country the tracts of running event where the people were racing. Persons those who are thirst with that richness started doing unfair means and they become richer and richer. This makes bitterness in the society, because people who have no chance to do corruption to uplift from poverty have resent against them. Therefore these economic disparities in the society give serious problems among people which can deteriorate the cooperation of the society. But, no doubt it is the effect of the development and change of the world. But we cannot leave it; we need to face with having more meaning.
Also as a Christian we should have a ministry toward the economic disparity what we are facing. Some rich countries and people are interested with charity. It is so good. If non-Christian can do this with their human genuine only, why should not we Christians, redeemed with the blood of Jesus take steps upon these?! We are taught to spread our properties to poor. God loves those who give with joy to poor
(II Thessalonians 9: 7-9).
Different churches in Mizoram as well as organization and self put their hands. R&D Department of Baptist Church of Mizoram is also doing the work. They always spread rice, silpauline, roof steel etc. to feed the needs of the people. And give conference and training for the improvement of their occupations. Fortunately, for we, living with poverty are easy to follow Jesus tan rich man! God choose us to be rich in faith and to be heirs of the Kingdom (James 2:5).
Corruption is one of the main problems in our lives. It simply means taking or eating something or money in secret, without the knowledge of someone.[2] In Mizoram it is very much popular. It is a common word. This understanding confined corruption in the higher level part of government where contracts and big money are involved.[3]
These corrupt people practice continually because no more action is being taken against them. Besides, they do not hesitate to involve in the church and society. The local church leaders could not criticized and compelled them as well, but giving them high priority. So that it is very hard to condemn corruption and to control them not to practice any more.
Government formed ‘Anti- Corruption Branch.’ Suspecting and accusing the person being corrupted is quite easy. Some organization and individual submit FIR to the Police Department. Many cases are under the investigation, but some are still cancelled due to different reasons! Perhaps, Money can do everything!! Till today, we have not known a person prison because of corruption.
In the year 1982, Mizoram Presbyterian Church declared ‘Anti Corruption Year’. But church members are not cooperating enough in fighting against corruption. Many of persons who had been doubt were ignored by some local churches and still given high responsibilities.[4]
So, now is the time for Christian to have courage to speak against corruption.[5] We should not accept this, because it is totally against God. If we continue to neglect those practices, still to receive money from them unreluctantly, the church will be left by Holy Spirit. It is true that if the more we engage in worldly things, Holy Spirit is no more!! Making the society and church free corruption are the most and necessary needs in this Time.
Every nation, every country and every tribe have their own Alcohol. That is amazing!! They usually said for joking, “When Jesus feed 5000 people by loaves and fishes, 12 buckets were remaining. But at Cana’s wedding, we have not known any wine remaining!” It seems that alcohol or wine have deep relation with human mind. Western people and developed countries of Eastern people may not accuse alcohol as sin. They use as dietary or part of foods. Some nations use it for favor of visitors and friends. So from these people, the phenomenon may not a controversial subject. We know less effects of such drinking from them.
But in Mizoram, drinking alcohol is regarded as sin. When Western Missionaries came, they saw Mizo chiefs and elders always drinking. They prohibited for newly converted as soon. In that time, those who are drunkard are compelled from the churches. Till now, we opposed it, but is not as strong as early 20th Century. We have no person compelled because of drinking. Many drunken men and women are still faithful member of the churches, but most of them simply never participate in church’s activities.
Alcoholism is one of the main problems we faced in our society as well as in the family. More people still involving in drinking. Youths are starting to drink for been being youths! That is the tradition, it is so bad practices. Villagers almost use local product, while in the cities is the imported products like rum, beer, champagne, vodka etc. They recognized that any function like wedding, anniversary, Christmas, new year, etc. as relevant drinking times! Some activate members of Church’s youths are also involving, but secretly.
When they drunkard, they cannot control themselves, can do nothing good. It creates a lot of problems in society and family.[6] Many murdering have been known, many families lost their famous, and it also makes divorce in large numbers. It disturbed neighborhood. All the bad things happened in streets, public urinal, public toilets, side drains, etc. are mostly because of drunken people. There may be some people who know how to drink safely, but in general, drinking alcohol effects the environment negatively. Family problems, killing, murdering, robbery, motor accidents, fighting in streets and sexual immorality are come up as the direct effect of Alcoholism. Alcohol is one of the roots of all problems.[7]
On behalf of Christians and churches, what shall we do? We have still the Act run by government of Mizoram called MLTP, which prohibited all kinds of alcohol including drinking and selling. This is fully supported by all churches and NGOs. But till now, we could not stop and control wholly. It is difficult to take steps against this, because beyond ordinary people, some who are highly class including officers of Government’s Department always import from outside the state furtively. According to the Bible, it is sinful. We have many verses which concluded drinking alcohol and becoming drunkard as bad manner. They are Rome 13:13, Proverbs 23:21, Proverbs 23:29-35, Habakkuk 2:15, I Corinthians 6:10, Galatians 5:21.etc.
As we have seen in the Bible, we shall strongly opposed intoxicant, selling and buying Alcohol. In the church, let us continue what the early churches’ done. If we disciplined in the church those who are drunkard and drinking alcohol, others may not want to continue. We could not stop the supplying and the demanding in the society completely. But what we can do is making restriction and limitation.
In the Later 20th Century, we came across the great development of the world in the field of Information Technology (IT). Now, we can communicate the whole world during a second. We can hear news, songs, preaching, discussion, etc. from Radio. By Television we can see all of these things including movies, videos and many other programs. Playing video games and doing many other works can be done through computer. After Internet service was universalized through computers, we can do everything! Some say,” everything is there in the Internet.” Therefore the influence of using Information technology has been become very much important issues. We have to struggle the life of the Global world, where we have been living and facing many recently introducing worldly things.
With the availability of the services of Television and Internet, The mizos have also become one of the community members in today’s global world.[8] Mobile Phone was introduced and we also acquainted well for about eight years. Most of us have our own handset, bringing in hands. This makes many people can do chatting through SMS. We can use it for interrelate our friends of different places. We can talk to other easily. Wherever we go we bring and used it. So, Mobile phone is one of the best outcomes of the development in the field of IT.
Using the Internet facilities, we can also make contact with other people who are staying online.[9] The advantage of using internet is its flexibility. We can use it for many purposes that all other kinds of IT could not be done. It is the most efficient and informative media.[10] We are now living in the computer world. We do everything with computer- education, health care, government, administration, organization, marketing, factorization and other several kinds related to human life are done and controlled using computer and Internet.
But in this world nothing is good at all. The computer has also limitations and defections. There are so many unhealthy sites and pornography site that can cause human life negatively. In Mizoram also, we use it for necessary work. Besides, Youths are addicting chatting lines. It may have good reflection that we can find many friends as well as partner. But at all it usually spoils our time, money and health. Mizo people mostly use it for this purpose. But the educational institutions and other bodies use it for searching sites, topics or articles that related to their needs.
In a Christian life, there can be questions i.e. ‘would we accept or not?’ ‘Can it disturb our religious life?’ We need something to admit and something to reject. In broad, we can say that due to the influence of Information Technology, the pattern of administration and the system of worship in the church become so changes. Firstly, it influence on the construction of building. We see more smooth and beautiful churches building of different places. The designing of the structures are done through the computer. Secondly, the patterns of worship, committee, preaching, announcing information and providing news letter are more systematically standardized. We see how western people do and we always copy them the best way.
In the Society, we severely underwent the bad effect of IT. Some of our fellows are humiliated due to spreading of their sex videos. Some get eye problems and minds problems. Some families are disturbed by the addicting of internet by their children. Divorces between couples are happened frequently. So, we suffered serious defections, we must need to response it as a Christian.
It will be difficult to control the misuse of IT. We can make useful for church concern. But beyond the church, it is hard to now what to do and how to do excepting giving awareness to the people! Will they obey?! All the society members are included in the church. So, attempting to teach how to use positively and telling the negative and positive effects of IT would be the first steps.[11] It is important to conduct seminar and campaigns to the members how to response as a Christian. When we have sound minds to use radio, television, music players, computer and internet positively, we could faced the technological advancement in a helpful way and more meaningful.
From the times of the Old Testament, till today the Christian life always face differential manners to struggle. If we neglected the development of the life, we should be out dated. The lifestyles and human relationships change from time to time. Then the incidents always come before us. The adjustment in every possible ways is what we need to survive from our struggling of livelihood. As well as, as a Christian we have to respond it and have to do a ministry for the betterment of the world! Thus we should fulfill the mission assigned upon us to help our fellow human beings who needs the helping hands for all time.
Balasuriya, Tissa. Globalization and Human Solidarity. Thiruvala: Christava Sahitya
Samithy, 2000.
Lalngilneia, C. “Corruption in Mizo Society: An Appraisal from the Book of Amos.”
B.D.Thesis, Senate of Serampore College, 2006.
Sailo, Lalmuanzuala. “Church’s Response to the Problem of Alcoholism in Mizo
Society.” B.D. Thesis, Senate of Serampore College, 2005.
Lalfamkima. “Influence of Information Technology on the Mizo Society.” B.D.
Thesis, Senate of Serampore College, 2004.
[1] Tissa Balasuriya, Globalization and Human Solidarity (Thiruvalla: Christava Sahitya Samithya, 2000), 38.
[2] C. Lalngilneia, “Corruption in Mizo Society: An Appraisal from the Book of Amos” (B.D. Thesis, Senate of Serampur College, 2006), 15.
[3] Ibid.
[4] Ibid., 61.
[5] C. Lalngilneia, “Corruption in Mizo Society: An Appraisal from the Book of Amos” (B.D. Thesis, Senate of Serampur College, 2006), 61.
[6] Lalmuanzuala Sailo, Church’s response to the Problem of Alcoholism in Mizo Society (B.D. Thesis, Senate of Serampur College, 2005), 26.
[7] Ibid., 31.
[8] Lalfamkima, Influence of Information Technology on the Mizo Society (B.D. Thesis, Senate of Serampur College, 2004), 1.
[9] Ibid., 21.
[10] Ibid., 2.
[11] Lalfamkima, Influence of Information Technology on the Mizo Society (B.D. Thesis, Senate of Serampur College, 2004), 60.
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