Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Mission and Evangelism as a means to relate to peoples of other faith

“Mission and Evangelism as a means to relate to peoples of other faith”

- Laldanmawia

In this post modern world, Christian mission and evangelism have concern about different issues of its contemporary. They meet issues like ecological crises, poverty, transforming the margins, liberation of the subaltern people, erasing the discourses of empire, making relation with other faiths and many other possible issues. Among them is the focus of this paper. Then how Mission and Evangelism can be a means to relate the peoples of other faiths is the target where we have to shot by this paper. 

1. Who are the Peoples of other faiths?
The question is very vast and we may need hundreds of pages to write all the peoples of other faiths of the World, other than Christianity. In a wider sense, it can cover all the people of all times who belong to different ideologies, theories, religions and scientific institutions. Leonard Fernando includes the Roman religion, the faiths and beliefs in Greek influenced world starting from the early Christianity.[1] In the religious phenomena itself, it can cover from the primal religion to modern big religions like Hinduism, etc. However it is possible that we may minimize it to the peoples of different religions of the present time.
Then we can come to the concluding answer that, the peoples of other faiths are the followers of various religious beliefs in different countries and regions. This includes the believers of Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism, Jainism, Zoroastrianism, Confucianism, Sikhism, etc. 

2. Relating Christianity to the Peoples of other Faiths:
Christianity is a religion of Propagation. Its central idea is “to go to the whole world and preach the Gospel”. This theme makes Christianity to build relations to the peoples of other faiths. Because of this mission statement, Christians could have relations to other faiths. Then it is right to call Mission as the reason behind Christian’s encounters with others.
However there can be some questions: Why Christianity is doing a mission work? Why it tries to convert people? Why it makes relations to other faiths? Doesn’t it enough that the followers simply remain in the faith without trying to explore to other people? All these entire questions could be answered that, why because is what Christianity exactly is. In the nature of Christianity, Christians themselves see the uniqueness, the absolute truth, the rightness, the authority in the ways to God, etc. All these specialities urge the followers to have concern to those doomed peoples who follow the wrong ways. It is not merely a political and geographical expansion of Christendom in this world, but it is also saving the peoples from the doom, because it is the only way to lead away from punishment and reach God. The people of other faiths will ask the question that, how can Christianity be the only way; the response must be, because Jesus Christ says, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6). How Christ could claims Himself as the only way; because He is/was the promised Messiah, who fulfilled the prophesied words. So, all these uniqueness makes Christianity to be a company consultant in this religious business World. And Christianity uses Mission and Evangelism as a means in this consultation.

3. Mission and Evangelism as a means to relate to peoples of other faith:
As discussed above, Mission and Evangelism is a means for Christianity to relate peoples of other faiths. Then How Mission and Evangelism become the means is what we have to discuss on. In the Mission and evangelism themselves, there are different approaches which can create a means for making relations to others. Some of them are:
3.1. Conversion Movement: It is the movement launched by Christians in everywhere! Conversion is the final destiny of Christian mission and evangelism, by going on and pursuing in every corner of our land. Rightly say that it is the conversion movement that makes Christianity relating to the people of other faiths. Conversion is changing of a person’s religious view and belief to another faith. V.S. Lalrinawma may bring better understanding when he says, “…is a process by which a person comes to be gripped by a new force that enters his/her life, changing him/her to new environment.”[2]Yes, one is brought to a new environment when he/she is converted.
Conversion is the goal of the mission and evangelism. To convert people, one has to start by making relations with others. Christian conversion is inter-religious conversion. Here the relations stand for inter-religious relationship. And we can say that it is by which the conversion movement, Christians have constructed and built a means to relate the people of other faiths; because conversion requires relationship in different kinds.

3.2. Inter Faith Dialogue: Mission and Evangelism have inter-faith dialogue as one approach to reach the destiny. Christians always built relationship with other. When it is with the people of other faiths, Inter faiths dialogue is found. It is more than living together with tolerance, and is promotion of understanding through sharing of information and experiences and through theological discussion on common themes.[3]
Through this inter faith dialogue one can built good relationship with other people. Dialogue can be seen sometime as a mere conversation and exchanging of ideas and thought, not so much involve in conversion.[4] It is true to some extent. But if we look it from another perspective, we will find how it works to promote mission works. A person usually starts the mission and evangelism with inter personal dialogue. Just preach and leave is not the relevant method in this contemporary pluralistic world, rather building relationship with people is always better. It is done through Dialogue.

2.3. Humanization: Humanization is understood as relating to the shift from a state of de-humanization to a state of becoming genuinely human.[5] It is one purpose and method of doing Christian mission and evangelism today. According to the Free Dictionary, Humanization means “to portray or endow with human characteristics or attributes; make human; to imbue with humanness or human kindness”[6]. It is the process of making human to draw their full potentialities and attributes. In this society, many people are being found with inability to fulfill their full humanness due to various reasons. Then it is Christian mission that we must help them to achieve the same. Christians open Mission fields, schools, hospitals, discussion forums, charity organizations, etc. Any of them are accessed to bring people into the fullness of life. To help them with giving the above activities is to humanize them.
Then, it is possible to see a Christian interaction with peoples of other faiths by this humanizing process/ministry. It is usually done among the people of marginalized in the same Christian community and multi religious community.

2.4. Liberation: In mission and evangelism, liberation may have similar attitude with humanization towards the upliftment of the poor people. That means clapping together can be done in some ways. However, if we try to separate them, humanization may go with the poor, suffering and disabled people, where as liberation may focus more on peace and justice to the weaker sections like women, indigenous people, Tribals, Dalits, etc. It is a Biblical stand that God is in the supporting position of liberation to the weaker sections from bondage (Exodus). And it is the mission paradigm that people may come up in the peace and just society. To liberate them from their bondage is what the mission and evangelism have been doing.
The goal of the Mission and Evangelism is the establishment of the Kingdom of God.  Jesus teaches kingdom living (Mat 5:3-7) and Kingdom mission (Mat 10:5-42),[7] in which there must be the whole human reality transformed by God’s love. And the Kingdom of God is established when peace, justice and equality are being prevailing. Then these values can be achieved by liberating the weaker sections of the society, which is again the aim and goal of Mission and evangelism today. Then in the process of liberation, Christians develop relations to the people of other faiths.

Yes it is no doubt that Christians built relations to people of other faiths, right from the origin and beginning of it. The influenced of Roman religion, Greek philosophical understandings and beliefs which met the same contemporary of early Christianity were the reason by which Christians by any means had to contact to them. However the Christian mission is taken more and more importance, and more seriously the Missionary Movement in the 19th Century encouraged Christians to have more exploration in every possible unreached place. This eventually extended the missionary population in the confessional and denominational churches. Meanwhile, in this contemporary world, evangelism occupy inner place in Christian ministry. Many scholars level it with mission itself. Then these mission and evangelism are the fusion activity of Christians in this Post modern World. And thus they become the main way and means to relate the peoples of other faiths.


Bird, Adrian.                           M.M. Thomas and Dalit Theology. Bangalore: BTESSC/SATHRI, 2008.
Lalrinawma, V.S.                    Missiological Issues Facing the Contemporary Church in India. Bangalore: Centre for Contemporary Christianity, 2011.
Leonard Fernando, S.J.           Christian Faith meets other Faiths. Delhi: ISPCK, 1998.
Neill, Stephen.                        Christian Faith and other Faiths. Lucknow: Lucknow Publishing House, 1966.
Selvanayagam, Israel.             Being Evangelical and Dialogical: Healthy Balance in a Multi-faith Context. Delhi: ISPCK, 2012.


[1] S.J. Leonard Fernando, Christian Faith meets other Faiths (Delhi: ISPCK, 1998), 1-10.

[2] V.S. Lalrinawma, Missiological Issues Facing the Contemporary Church in India (Bangalore: Centre for Contemporary Christianity, 2011), 245.
[3]V.S. Lalrinawma, Missiological Issues Facing the Contemporary Church in India …, 260.
[4]V.S. Lalrinawma, Missiological Issues Facing the Contemporary Church in India ….
[5] Bird, Adrian. M.M. Thomas and Dalit Theology (Bangalore: BTESSC/SATHRI, 2008), 133.
[7] V.S. Lalrinawma, Missiological Issues Facing the Contemporary Church in India …, 21.

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